Flight School & Pilot Training Resources

Aviation news, tools and tips on how to become a pilot, build a career in aviation and make the most of VA benefits for flight school.

Airplane Flying Handbook Aviation Glossary

This is an HTML conversion of the official Airplane Flying Handbook (FAA-H-8083-3A) Glossary as published by the FAA....

10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Starting Flight School...

Flight training is a complex and demanding process that requires a combination of physical and mental skills. It can be...

How To Become an American Airlines Pilot

Flying for a premier airline like American Airlines is a coveted position. The journey is challenging, but with...

How to get Hired as a United Airlines Pilot

Becoming a pilot for a major airline like United Airlines is a dream for many young pilots. This comprehensive guide...

Navigating the Marine Layer in San Diego

As a student pilot, navigating low clouds in San Diego can be a challenging task. Any experienced pilot in Southern...

Am I too old for a career in aviation?

As the aviation industry continues to grow, many people are considering a career as an airline pilot. However, one...

Three things you can do today to become a pilot:

Becoming a pilot is a dream for many, but it can seem like a daunting task to start on the path to earning your wings....

What is the fastest way to become an airline pilot?

Are you looking to become an airline pilot but don't have the time to go through a traditional four-year college...

How did you become a pilot?

If you're reading this, chances are you've been thinking about of becoming a pilot for as long as you can remember....

Five Great Flights for Flight Training in San Diego

San Diego boasts phenomenal weather conditions. And when we say it's gorgeous, we mean G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S! With over 300...

Airline Cadet programs are back!

One thing we have been telling our pilots is to start watching out for cadet programs opening back up. These programs...