Pilot's Guide to Aviation V-Speeds:  Vx, Vy, Va, Vs, Vfe, Vmc, Vno, Vne

  • October 14, 2024

What Are V-Speeds and Why Are They Important?

V-speeds are standard terms used to define airspeeds that are critical for the safe operation of all aircraft. These speeds are derived from data obtained during flight testing and are essential for pilots to understand and memorize. Knowing V-speeds ensures that a pilot can continue to fly the aircraft safely throughout all phases of flight, including takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, and landing.

Defining V-Speeds in Aviation

In aviation, the "V" in V-speeds stands for "velocity," which is used to denote speed. V-speeds represent specific airspeeds that are important or useful to the operation of an airplane. They are standard terms used to define airspeeds at which certain maneuvers or configurations should be executed. For example, VFE is the maximum flap extended speed, and VNO is the maximum structural cruising speed.

The Role of V-Speeds in Aircraft Safety

Understanding and adhering to V-speeds is crucial for aviation safety. Pilots must be aware of these speeds to ensure the aircraft operates within its designed performance envelope. Flying at speeds higher than the maximum speed limits can lead to structural damage, while flying below minimum speeds like stall speed can cause loss of control. Therefore, V-speeds play a significant role in preventing accidents and ensuring safe flight operations.

Understanding the FAA Regulations

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides regulations and guidelines for V-speeds to standardize their definitions and usage across all aircraft. The FAA requires that V-speeds be included in the Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH) for each aircraft. Pilots must take the first step in understanding these speeds by studying the POH and adhering to FAA regulations to maintain aviation safety.

How Are V-Speeds Categorized?

V-speeds are categorized based on their relevance to different phases of flight and aircraft configurations. They encompass a range of speeds from minimum control speeds to maximum operating limits.

Common Airspeed Categories Explained

Understanding the different types of airspeed is essential for grasping V-speeds:

  • Indicated Airspeed (IAS): The speed shown on the airspeed indicator in the cockpit.
  • Calibrated Airspeed (CAS): IAS corrected for instrument and position errors.
  • True Airspeed (TAS): The actual speed at which an aircraft moves through the air, adjusted for altitude and temperature.
  • Ground Speed: The speed at which the aircraft moves relative to the ground, influenced by wind conditions.

The Difference Between V-Speeds and Mach Number

While V-speeds are specific airspeeds crucial for safe aircraft operation, the Mach number is a dimensionless unit representing the ratio of an aircraft's true airspeed to the speed of sound. High-speed aircraft, like jets, often refer to Mach number (MMO) for maximum operating limit speed at high altitudes where air density is low.

Understanding VFE, VNO, and Other Key V-Speeds

V-speeds are often indicated on the airspeed indicator using colored arcs and lines:

V-Speeds - Air Speed Indicator


The White Arc: Flap Operating Range

  • VSO (Stall Speed in Landing Configuration): The lowest speed at which the aircraft can maintain controlled flight with flaps extended.
  • VFE (Maximum Flap Extended Speed): The maximum speed at which the flaps can be safely extended or operated without causing structural damage.

The Green Arc: Normal Operating Range

  • VS1 (Stall Speed in Clean Configuration): Stall speed or minimum steady flight speed in a specific configuration (flaps retracted).
  • VNO (Maximum Structural Cruising Speed): The maximum speed for normal operations. Flying above this speed should only be done in smooth air and with caution.

The Yellow Arc: Caution Range and VNE

  • VNE (Never Exceed Speed): The maximum speed beyond which the aircraft should never be operated. Exceeding this speed can lead to structural failure.

What Are the Critical V-Speeds Every Pilot Should Know?

Certain V-speeds are critical for every pilot to know, as they directly impact flight safety and performance.

Exploring VY, VX, VNO, and VFE

VY – Best Rate of Climb

VY is the speed that provides the maximum increase in altitude per unit of time. It is the best rate of climb speed and is crucial when a pilot wants to reach cruising altitude quickly.

VX – Best Angle of Climb

VX is the speed that provides the maximum increase in altitude per unit of horizontal distance. This best angle of climb speed is essential when needing to clear obstacles during takeoff.

VNO – Maximum Structural Cruising Speed

VNO is the maximum speed for normal operation. Flying at speeds above VNO should be done cautiously and only in smooth air to prevent structural stress.

VFE – Maximum Flap Extended Speed

VFE is the highest speed at which the flaps can be safely extended. Exceeding this maximum flap extended speed can result in flap damage or failure.

The Importance of Stall Speed and Minimum Control Speed

VSO – Stall Speed in Landing Configuration

VSO represents the stall speed or minimum steady flight speed in the landing configuration (with flaps and landing gear extended). Knowing this speed helps pilots avoid stalling during approach and landing.

VS1 – Stall Speed in Clean Configuration

VS1 is the stall speed in a specific configuration with flaps and gear retracted. It is crucial for understanding the minimum speed at which the aircraft can maintain controlled flight.

VMC – Minimum Control Speed in Multi-Engine Aircraft

VMC is the minimum control speed with the critical engine inoperative. It is essential for pilots of multi-engine aircraft to maintain control in the event of an engine failure.

How Takeoff Safety Speeds Impact Flight Operations

VR – Rotation Speed

VR is the speed at which the pilot initiates the takeoff by lifting the nose wheel off the runway. Reaching this rotation speed ensures the aircraft achieves the required pitch attitude for takeoff.

V1 – Decision Speed for Rejected Takeoff

V1 is the takeoff decision speed. It is the maximum speed during takeoff at which the pilot must decide to continue or abort the takeoff in case of an emergency like engine failure. Beyond V1, the pilot must continue the takeoff as there may not be enough runway to stop safely.

Why do pilots say V1?

To indicate that they have reached the decision speed and are committed to takeoff.

Why can't planes stop after V1?

Because there may not be sufficient runway remaining to safely stop the aircraft.

V2 – Takeoff Safety Speed

V2 is the takeoff safety speed at which the aircraft can safely climb with one engine inoperative. It ensures that the aircraft achieves the required height over obstacles.

Understanding V3 and Other Less Common V-Speeds

V3: While not commonly used in general aviation, V3 can refer to flap retraction speed or other specific speeds defined by aircraft manufacturers.

How Do V-Speeds Affect Aircraft Performance?

V-speeds directly influence how an aircraft performs during various phases of flight. Adhering to these speeds ensures optimal performance and safety.

Understanding Maximum Speed Limits

VNE – Never Exceed Speed

VNE is the absolute maximum speed at which the aircraft can be flown. Exceeding this speed during flight can lead to structural failure due to aerodynamic stresses.

VLO and VLE – Landing Gear Operation and Extension Speeds

  • VLO (Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed): The maximum speed at which the landing gear can be safely extended or retracted.
  • VLE (Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed): The maximum speed at which the aircraft can fly with the landing gear extended.

Impact of V-Speeds on Climb and Descent

The Difference Between VX and VY

  • VX (Best Angle of Climb Speed): Used to gain the most altitude over the shortest horizontal distance.
  • VY (Best Rate of Climb Speed): Used to gain the most altitude in the shortest time.

The Role of VA – Maneuvering Speed

VA is the design maneuvering speed. It is the maximum speed at which full, abrupt control inputs can be made without overstressing the aircraft. It is also the recommended speed during turbulent conditions to prevent structural damage.

What is the V-speed for turbulence? VA is used as the turbulence penetration speed.

The Relationship Between V-Speeds and Altitude

Effects of Altitude on True Airspeed and Ground Speed

As altitude increases, air density decreases, which affects the aircraft's true airspeed and ground speed. While indicated airspeed (and thus V-speeds) remain constant, the true airspeed increases with altitude. Therefore, pilots must be aware that V-speeds do not change with altitude, but the aircraft's performance relative to the ground does.

Do V-speeds change with altitude? No, V-speeds are based on indicated airspeed, which remains consistent regardless of altitude.

Adjusting for Weight and Runway Conditions

Factors such as aircraft weight and runway conditions affect V-speeds:

  • Aircraft Weight: Heavier aircraft require higher V-speeds for takeoff and landing.
  • Runway Conditions: Wet or icy runways may necessitate adjustments to V-speeds to ensure safety.

How Can Pilots Accurately Determine V-Speeds?

Accurate determination of V-speeds is essential for safe flight operations. Pilots use various tools and resources to calculate these speeds.

Using Diagrams and the Airspeed Indicator for Accurate Measurement

Reading the Airspeed Indicator: Arcs and Colors

The airspeed indicator displays V-speeds using colored arcs and lines:

  • White Arc: Indicates the flap operating range (VSO to VFE).
  • Green Arc: Shows the normal operating range (VS1 to VNO).
  • Yellow Arc: Represents the caution range up to VNE.

Identifying Key Speeds from the Indicator

Pilots can find aircraft V-speeds in the POH and by referencing the colored arcs on the airspeed indicator. The use of a diagram or tape on the indicator can help in quickly identifying these speeds during flight.

Factors Influencing Actual Speeds in Flight

Aircraft Weight, Configuration, and Environmental Factors

How do you calculate aircraft V-speed? By considering factors such as aircraft weight, center of gravity, air temperature, and pressure altitude.

How do I know my V1 speed? V1 is calculated using performance charts in the POH, factoring in runway length, aircraft weight, and environmental conditions.

Wind Conditions and Their Impact on Ground Speed

Wind conditions affect ground speed but not airspeed. A headwind reduces ground speed, while a tailwind increases it. Pilots must account for wind to ensure they have sufficient runway for takeoff and landing.

Tips for Calculating V-Speeds in General Aviation Aircraft

Using a Flight Computer to Calculate True Airspeed

Pilots use flight computers or electronic calculators to determine true airspeed and adjust V-speeds accordingly. This is especially important in varying environmental conditions.

Memorizing V-Speeds for General Accuracy

How to remember V-speeds? Pilots often use mnemonics and repetitive training to memorize critical V-speeds. Regular practice and referencing the POH help in retaining this vital information.

V-Speeds for Specific Aircraft: The Cessna 172 Example

VSpeeds Cessna 172SUnderstanding V-speeds in the context of a specific aircraft like the Cessna 172 can be helpful:

  • VSO: 40 knots (stall speed in landing configuration)
  • VS1: 48 knots (stall speed in clean configuration)
  • VX: 62 knots (best angle of climb speed)
  • VY: 74 knots (best rate of climb speed)
  • VFE: 85 knots (maximum flap extended speed)
  • VA: 99 knots (design maneuvering speed)
  • VNO: 129 knots (maximum structural cruising speed)
  • VNE: 163 knots (never exceed speed)

Note: These are example values. Always refer to the Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH) or Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for your specific aircraft.

V-Speeds for Specific Aircraft: Boeing 747 V-Speeds:

V-Speeds for the Boeing 747

Understanding the V-speeds for a large, complex aircraft like the Boeing 747 is critical for ensuring safe takeoff, flight, and landing. The exact speeds may vary slightly based on specific models (e.g., 747-400 vs. 747-8) and flight conditions such as weight, weather, and runway length. Here are common V-speeds for a Boeing 747 in a general scenario:

  • What is the V1 speed for a 747? (Decision Speed):
    Approximately 160-180 knots.
    This is the speed by which the pilot must decide whether to continue the takeoff or abort. Beyond V1, the aircraft may not have enough runway left to safely stop.

  • VR (Rotation Speed):
    Around 170-190 knots.
    This is the speed at which the pilot begins to rotate the nose of the aircraft off the runway. The exact speed varies based on the weight and conditions of the specific takeoff.

  • VLOF (Liftoff Speed):
    Approximately 175-195 knots.
    This is the speed at which the 747 physically leaves the ground. It's typically just a few knots higher than VR, depending on the takeoff conditions.

  • What is the V2 speed for a 747? (Takeoff Safety Speed):
    Approximately 185-200 knots.
    This is the minimum speed that must be achieved to ensure the aircraft can climb safely even if one engine fails.

  • VNO (Maximum Structural Cruising Speed):
    Typically 360 knots IAS.
    This is the maximum speed for normal operations under calm air conditions. Flying above this speed should only be done in smooth air.

  • VFE (Maximum Flap Extended Speed):
    Varies with flap settings, with maximum flap extension speeds ranging from around 240 knots (for 1-5° flap extension) to around 180 knots (for full flap extension).

  • VNE (Never Exceed Speed):
    Approximately 375-400 knots.
    This is the absolute maximum speed the aircraft should never exceed, as doing so may result in structural damage.

  • VA (Maneuvering Speed):
    Approximately 250 knots.
    This is the maximum speed at which the pilot can make abrupt control inputs without risking structural damage. It is especially important in turbulent conditions.

V-Speeds for the Boeing 747: Why They Need to Be Calculated for Every Flight

For a large, complex aircraft like the Boeing 747, calculating V-speeds for each flight is critical to ensuring safety during takeoff and other phases of flight. These speeds, such as V1 (decision speed), VR (rotation speed), and V2 (takeoff safety speed), depend on numerous environmental and operational factors that can change from flight to flight.

What is the V1 speed for a 747?

Approximately 160 knots, but it varies based on weight and conditions.

How fast is a 747 going when it takes off?

Around 180 knots ground speed.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Are V-Speeds on the Runway?

V-speeds on the runway are critical during takeoff and landing:

  • V1: Decision speed during takeoff.
  • VR: Rotation speed at which the pilot lifts the nose.
  • V2: Takeoff safety speed for climb.

What is speed rating V1?

V1 is the takeoff decision speed. It's the maximum speed during takeoff at which a pilot can safely stop the aircraft without leaving the runway.

Why do pilots say V1 during take off?

To communicate that they have reached the decision speed and are committed to takeoff.

How do I know my V1 speed?

Pilots calculate V1 using the aircraft's performance charts, considering weight, runway length, and environmental conditions. Always consult to the Pilot's Operating Handbook (POH) or Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for your specific aircraft. 

Why can't planes stop after V1?

Because beyond V1, there isn't enough runway left to stop safely, so the pilot must continue the takeoff.

Why do V1 Needs to Be Calculated?

V1 is the critical speed by which the pilot must decide whether to abort or continue the takeoff. If an emergency, such as an engine failure, occurs before V1, the pilot can safely stop the aircraft on the remaining runway. After passing V1, there isn’t enough runway left to abort, so the takeoff must continue. This speed is calculated assuming no reverse thrust, as it's impossible to deploy reverse thrust on a failed engine.

Several environmental and operational factors influence V1 speed:

  • Runway length: Longer runways allow more time to stop before reaching V1, while shorter runways reduce the margin.
  • Runway condition: Wet, icy, or snow-covered runways increase stopping distance, which in turn lowers the V1 threshold.
  • Engine power: If the engines are running at or near maximum power, the aircraft accelerates more quickly, affecting the V1 calculation.
  • Aircraft weight: The combined weight of fuel, cargo, and passengers impacts acceleration, influencing the stopping distance.
  • Wind conditions: Headwinds shorten takeoff distance by providing additional lift, while tailwinds increase the distance needed.
  • Air temperature: Hotter air reduces engine thrust and increases takeoff distance, while cooler air improves performance.
  • Altitude: Runways at higher altitudes decrease engine performance due to thinner air, requiring longer takeoff distances.
  • Barometric pressure: Changes in atmospheric pressure affect the aircraft's "apparent" altitude and thus impact takeoff performance.
  • Flap settings: More flaps reduce takeoff distance but increase drag in the climb, while less flap may allow for a better climb angle and control in windy conditions.

Each of these factors means the V1 speed needs to be recalculated for every flight based on real-time data. For example, in ideal conditions (dry, cool weather with a headwind), the V1 speed may be very close to VR, the speed at which the pilot begins to rotate the nose of the aircraft for takeoff. In such scenarios, the V1 and VR speeds may even match, meaning that the aircraft is already airborne at the latest possible point to abort the takeoff.

What are V-speeds and in what order?

V-speeds correspond to specific phases of flight: VSO, VS1, VR, V1, V2, VX, VY, VNO, VNE.

Each represents a critical airspeed for safe operation. Here's a typical order based on key flight stages:

  • VSO (Stall Speed in Landing Configuration): The minimum speed at which the aircraft can fly in landing configuration (flaps and landing gear extended).
  • VS1 (Stall Speed in Clean Configuration): The minimum speed in a specific configuration, usually with flaps and landing gear retracted.
  • VR (Rotation Speed): The speed at which the pilot begins to lift the aircraft’s nose for takeoff.
  • V1 (Decision Speed): The last moment to decide whether to abort or continue takeoff in case of an emergency.
  • V2 (Takeoff Safety Speed): The speed at which the aircraft can safely climb with one engine inoperative.
  • VX (Best Angle of Climb): The speed that provides the greatest altitude gain over the shortest distance, useful for clearing obstacles.
  • VY (Best Rate of Climb): The speed that maximizes altitude gain per unit of time, ideal for reaching cruising altitude efficiently.
  • VNO (Maximum Structural Cruising Speed): The highest speed for normal operations; flying above this is allowed only in smooth air with caution.
  • VNE (Never Exceed Speed): The absolute maximum speed the aircraft can safely fly; exceeding this can lead to structural damage.

This sequence follows the progression from low-speed critical points like stall speeds through takeoff and climb phases, up to maximum allowable speeds for safe operation.

What does V2 mean in velocity?

V2 is the takeoff safety speed that ensures the aircraft can climb safely even if an engine fails.

What does V3 mean in aviation?

V3 is less commonly used and can refer to flap retraction speed or other manufacturer-specific speeds.

What does VLOF mean in aviation? 

VLOF (Liftoff Speed) refers to the speed at which an aircraft becomes airborne. It is the actual speed at which the aircraft lifts off the ground during takeoff and starts its initial climb. This is distinct from VR (rotation speed), which is the point where the pilot initiates nose-up rotation to lift the aircraft off the runway. After the aircraft rotates, VLOF occurs when the wheels lose contact with the runway. VLOF is critical for ensuring the aircraft has enough lift to become airborne safely.

What are V-speeds in ICAO?

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopts standardized V-speed definitions to ensure consistent safety practices across global aviation. These V-speeds, such as V1 (decision speed), V2 (takeoff safety speed), and VNE (never exceed speed), are universally recognized and apply to all aircraft types. By aligning these speed definitions, ICAO facilitates uniform operational guidelines, making sure that pilots and aviation professionals worldwide follow the same protocols, which enhances both safety and efficiency in international airspace.

How do Runway Conditions Affect V-Speeds?

The variation in V1 is most influenced by runway length and conditions. A long runway might allow for a derated takeoff, meaning the engines use less than full power to reduce wear, especially for longer engine life. While this can lower engine stress, it may actually increase fuel consumption since the aircraft climbs more slowly and remains at lower, less fuel-efficient altitudes longer.