There is NO maximum age for acquiring a private pilot license, but commecial airline pilots nust retire at 65. When you here "student pilot," you may imagine someone right out of school, wind in their hair and stars in their eyes. Let's adjust those flight goggles a bit. The truth is, the cockpit sees more reading glasses than teenage ball caps!
Today's budding aviator is not necessarily fresh out of high school. Instead, he (and increasingly she) is probably someone in their thirties. The typical average active pilot isn't belting out the latest pop tunes but probably has a playlist full of classic rock, given they're in their forties and over 25 percent of all U.S. pilots with valid medical certificates, are in their fifties! Your dreams of cruising through the clouds don't have an expiry date. Once you get that coveted certificate, it's all about keeping up with your medical certificates and a biannual flight review. So, whether you're 20 or 70, in the world of flying, it's not about how old you are, but how young your spirit feels!